untitled poem written for and read during the marriage ceremony of 
doug hesse and nancy hicks on 19 january 2002


snow coats the world
      a time-frozen rain
      crystalline, distilled silence
               filled with the pre-echoes
                                of children's giggles
                                and their multitude of footprints
      a key

rubbing old wood with Murphy's Oil Soap
      until it glows
                                             each stroke of the hand
                                                 and the rag
      a sacrament

dry logs crack       and pop
      fired with kindle, an old warmth
               the tongues of fire
                     rings of years 
                                             burn together
      a crucible

time, now measured twice
      a rushing slowness bounded by twos
               moments shared
                         each    a smoky jewel
                                             and polished
      a devotion

the oldest lore
      filled        with the gravity of water
                         distilled from stars
                                    hearts falling 
                                    into orbit
      a promise



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