The Dog House

...Or More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About The Grodog

The More Up-to-Date Version

You can read my short bio, which I will update at some point in the future. Really. The older dog house is also available for your reading pleasure (?).

Life's been full of surprises lately, and continues to keep me very busy. In the quick and easy category, I have seen a few of the summer films foisted on us by Hollywood: Batman and Robin, which was OK at best (I seem to have the higest opinion of it among my friends, which isn't saying very much); Men in Black, which was altogether too predicatble. Both have convinced me I need to pursue screenplay writing more actively than I have been--if this tripe can make money, I'd like to think that I could write slightly-more upscale tripe, and also make money . . . .

I've been hanging out a lot in Internet Park, playing boggle as grodog. Quite fun, and I'm meeting some very nice, and interesting, people there.

Writing has been beating me into submission lately. I'm almost done with EHP's Triad Sourcebook, due for release in October. Blue Planet is now out, and I'm very pleased to have been involved in the project (even though it turns out to have been a smaller role than I'd hoped for). BioHazard is going to release the Archipelago sourcebook around October/November, and I'll have a section in that as well.

Stop Press

My copy of Blue Planet just arrived in the mail--it's great, wonderful, heavenly, and cool, all at once. At $27.95, it's as good a buy as Pagan Publishing's Delta Green and positively of the same quality. A watershed SF rpg. Check it out.

Back to your regularly scheduled rambling

Pagan Publishing is releasing Realms of Shadows in August (hopefully in time for Gen Con), and I was a creative consultant on that earlier this summer (they should also have The Unspeakable Oath #14/15 (I think that's what # it's up to) out as well, with some of my game reviews in it.

I've been working on revising poems lately vs. writing new ones, though I did just the other day get/finally write down ideas for about 2-4 (depends on if they collapse into one another or not, as to the final # that appear) new ones, which I'll work on sooner vs. later, as i've been wanting to send out more poems again.

Work at Sprint and EHP is keeping me very busy, which has its good moments, I suppose. I need a vacation, though: too much writing fries my brain and fingers, and too much work makes Allan a very dull boy, who can't even write stuff about himself without obsessing about not doing "real" work instead of this.

I also upgraded my pc to Word 6.0 from Word Perfect 5.1/5.2, so I should finally be able to send files back and forth from home and work without translation problems (at least, that's the idea). I did buy a new modem to replace the one fried by lightning, as the one I'm using now and borrowing from Matt Harrop is of sporadic usefulness: it's why I keep losing my connections durnig Boggle games. So, I need to put that inside, hook it up, etc. I may also purchase a used Mac from a friend at work, have to wait and see if I have the $ for that, though.

That's about all the current stuff that's itching it's way out of my brain and fingers. Until later!

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