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The grodog's Greyhawk Research Appreciation Page

I would like to thank the following people, in alphabetical order, who have made my research into the World of Greyhawk an easier, more enjoyable, fun-filled pursuit.  

In some cases, these folks have answered questions, provided information, or provided Greyhawk materials; in other cases, they have followed their own D&D or Greyhawk pursuits, and I have employed the fruits of their labors.  I am trying to keep this list updated, although it lags a bit behind the research and writing sometimes . . . . 

In any event, I owe a debt of heartfelt gratitude to the following folks!  Thank you, one and all, for your assistance over the years!

  • Alakar, for sharing RPGA tourney info on Star II and Robber Barons

  • Chris Anderson, for sharing files

  • Bay Area RPS for securing a copy of the Greyhawk tournament "Finger in the Wind" for me

  • Mike Badolato for his discovery of the Greyhawk Castle "Black Reservoir" short story, and for sharing it with Greytalk (as well as for his erudite contributions to collector lore over the years)

  • Doug Behringer, for putting me back in touch with Rob Kuntz, and for exchanging old RPGA manuscripts 

  • Russell Bird (a.k.a, The Manic Midwife), for his exhaustive NPC Encyclopedia, inspired 'Nightingale, fun on the Oerth Journal, and sharing secrets

  • Mark Boone, for providing a copy of the Campaign 89 review of The Lost Caverns of Tsojconth

  • Scott Casper, for trading details and research about Castle Greyhawk

  • Clangador, for image-processing assistance on my Castle Greyhawk map elevations

  • Faraer for assistance sleuthing Greyhawk angrams and obscure word meanings
  • Scott Gregg, for sharing lost lore

  • The  Greyhawk goobers on Rob Kuntz's Pied Piper boards, ENWorld (the forums move too often to link to them directly), the Necromancer Games forum, and Monte Cook's forums:  you know who you are!

  • Greyhawk-l members, for their many insights and interests

  • Greytalk members and chatters, for their voluminous scholarship, opinions, and tribal wisdom

  • E. Gary Gygax, for creating Greyhawk, the first fantasy world I loved after Beleriand, for his personal and informative research responses, and for his permission to host the Greyhawk Castle "Black Reservoir" short story

  • Shawn and Devon Hibbs---the brothers burntwire---for providing information about Greyhawk touraments.

  • Gary Holian, for creating the perfect Greyhawk forum, for bringing Canonfire into the light of day, and for his sagely wisdom 

  • Gary Holian, Steve Wilson, and Erik Mona for creating The Oerth Journal and bringing it to the Greyhawk online community; Nathan Irving, Jason Zavoda, and Marc Tizoc for taking the torch up when it was passed; and to all of the OJ contributors over the years, for sharing their visions of Greyhawk with the rest of the world
  • Jens Kaufmann, for sending a copy of Gygax's Dragon Annual article about Greyhawk's origins, which began a full-fledged document exchange and friendship from across the water

  • Rob Kuntz, for taking the time to write back; for his patience 14 years ago in answering the many questions that a devoted 17-year geek could dream up; and for getting back in touch again to respin our dreams once more in Pied Piper Publishing

  • William McCarthy, for trading information and copies of "Quest for the Golden Orb" and other out-of-print GH stuff

  • Mike McKeown, for exchanging Living Greyhawk scenarios

  • Frank Mentzer, for answering RPGA, Aquaria, and Greyhawk research queries, and providing many details about the Greyhawk RPGA tournament scenarios he wrote

  • Erik Mona, for sending my missing LGJ issues, hiring me to write for LGJ and Polyhedron, and being a good guy (now if he would just answer email more quickly ;->

  • Roger E. Moore, for writing Return of the Eight and Gates in the World of Greyhawk; for  keeping the Greyhawk dream alive until it blossomed into reality once more; and for the only good thing about DragonLance, "A Stone's Throw Away"

  • Adrian Newman, for sending me a copy of the Lost Caverns of Tsojconth 1976 tournament adventure so that I could complete the research

  • Morgan Olden, for builing the Greytalk and Greyhawk-l archives, through which I read the lists daily, and conduct many a late-night search; thanks also to Morgan for being an all-around cool guy!

  • Jeff Philbrick, for providing information about the "Loerth" RPGA Greyhawk tournaments.

  • Randy Porter, the Keeper of Ancient GenCon Lore, for providing so much GenCon material for my tournament reasearch
  • Jean Rabe, for RPGA research assistance and for assistance rendered in my quest to recover the tournament Treasures of the Dragon Queen adventure
  • Christopher B. Siren, for his superb all-things Gordian reference

  • Paul Stormberg for his explantions of the names of the pre-generated tournament characters from G1-3 and D1-2, for the wonderful information he includes in his Collector's Trove Auctions, and for his invaluable research assistance and information exchanges
  • Trent Foster for helping sleuth some anagrams (Eljayess in particular), and for his all-around understanding of Old School D&D :D
  • Jim Temple, for correcting some bad information I had about Carl Sargent's authorship of the Fading Lands vs. Jim's own works from The Oerth Journal
  • Denis Tetreault (a.k.a, Maldin), for his wonderful work on geology, as well as the Codex of the Infinite Planes

  • Thasaidon, from the Necromancer Games forums, for pointing out some missing David Howrey Greyhawk adventures from Dungeon Magazine

  • Marc Tizoc Gonzalez, for his patient stewardship of the OJ, may it sail onward, and for answers to random questions on demand

  • Jason Verbitsky, for sharing his personal RPGA tourneys

  • Jim Ward, for research assistance

  • Fred Weining, for sharing opinions on oerthblood and the GenCon 2001 Greyhawk seminar booklet

  • Gary Welsh, for sharing Rob Kuntz's Wild Coast lore, and suggesting questions, and his all-too-rare write-ups on Greytalk 

  • Stephen B. Wilson, for his excellent GreyChrondex and GreyGods files, and his as-yet-unpublished Fading Lands

  • Jason Zavoda, for his exhaustive Encyclopedia Greyhawkiana--perhaps the single best Greyhawk research tool on the net (although Morgan's archives give it a run for its money . . . ), and for his Nosnra's Saga fiction, a spare copy of From the Ashes, and so much more

Lastly, and certainly not leastly, I would like to thank the many players (and their characters) who have journeyed through my versions of Greyhawk campaigns over the past few decades, from Merchantville, NJ, to Penn State, PA, to Lawrence, KS, to San Jose, CA, to Wsichita, KS.  

  • Shaikh Ahmad (Pei Shr)

  • Alex Anesko (Aeon Maximus Bistletiene, Dzhot Dzaggoth, Nigel Taj, Mathrac, Tech, Zenyatta Mondatta)

  • Angie (Laurel)

  • Brian McCarthy (Koraan Oakleaf)

  • Brian Apgar (Paangibar Ra, Winter Arrow)

  • Mike Barber (Brazrabul, Sagmaar, Wilberd the Silent)

  • Ted Barbour (Gyron Dasbin)

  • Mike Burke (Thayed Toetael, Taylokyn)

  • Jay Carrington (Malinda)

  • Michael "fuzzy" Chiacchiero (Pharryn Caledras Lorian, Candido Vandoubler, Bidrellim)

  • Mike Crowell (Razour Daclour)

  • Brian Dillon (Bolin, Evod, Gorbain)

  • Jack Dillon (Flur-Taboon, Goorlen, Maloorn, Rul-Telcon, Wehtlem Retxab)

  • Michael Fink (Riis Von Bek)

  • Michael Franklin (Father Hennon, Basil Rluorev Erac-Dray)

  • Brian Grohe (Brionius Orface, Deruvia, Dread Delgath, Froy-toona, Legolas, Montag, Staton, Tom the Great, Werlat)

  • Heather Grohe (Kivrin Welkin)

  • Philip Grohe (Akreen, Alho Rengate, Archaen, Chamas, Clamenska, Freanor, Frohf, Gratameir, Grog the Troll, Karnak, Kato, Loydrean, Neshoz, Nilman Zalimite, Nithron, Nor Grancher, Qull, Sepicer, Snork, Squll, Suhie Baba, Tlaloc the Three-Fingered, Trumbalth)

  • Frank Halperin (Nickar)

  • Aaron Harris (Aramil Xiloscient)

  • Matt Harrop

  • Chris Hatty (Gillead)

  • Brian Jack (Sir Balder, Dwaf Dinkledork, Barney)

  • Julia Harvey Holmscheck (Lukara teareen Syralytheann)

  • Kael Travis (Briskus)

  • Scott Kemme

  • Andy Lewis (Azaroth)

  • Shawn Mulkey

  • Mark Niebojeski (Sidnal Dileh, Trinst-Kmal, Harkian)

  • Craig Jones/Narkevitch (Apalo the Barbarian, Sho-Rembo)

  • Scott Nutt (Morthine the Conjurer, Rhygic Tolvan)

  • Mike O'Connor (Antonio the Slayer, Bozmong)

  • Kevin Patti (Manglord, Bainger the Druid)

  • John Phythyon

  • Tony Prosseda (Cassandra/Serene, Jhaelen Xavier Mirzandulac Zindel)

  • Anthony Pryor

  • Tim Pryor

  • Rob (Lithe)

  • Scott Ross (Lord Rokeon, Krillion)

  • Allen Ruch (Amadeus)

  • Karen Ruch (Adella Charina Garon Tisad)

  • Tim Schunk (Stevvyn)

  • Christian Tischer (Scythewind)

  • Kael Travis (Briskus)

  • Marc Tizoc Gonzalez (Tallan)

  • Jeff Turick (Saraphen Valeindoc)

  • Joe Werner (Arwen, Dolnarn)

  • Cheryl Wolfling 

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